Q: How do I add my husband as an authorized user for my Chase card?
A: To add an authorized user, you must first log into your Chase account. If you haven’t accessed your card information online before, you will need to create an account. You can do this very easily by going to www.Chase.com and clicking on the link that says “Get a User ID.”
After logging in, you should go to the Customer Center. If you scroll down, you should see a credit card section, and one of the links will say “Add authorized user.” Select this link. Then you select which card you want to add the user to, and enter the answer to your security question. Enter the person’s name that you want to add, and click “Add Authorized User.” He or she is now added to your account.
When you add an authorized user, make sure you know that although it can have some benefits, such as helping to build the authorized user’s credit score, there are some dangers, too. Since the card is still under your name, you are responsible for any debt that is incurred on this card. An authorized user can spend a bunch of money using your card and leave you with the consequences. Make sure to only add people whom you trust.