How Do I File a Rental Insurance Claim with American Express?

How Do I File a Rental Insurance Claim with American Express?

Q: I got into a minor car accident with my rental car today. Luckily, I had insurance through my American Express card. How can I file a claim with this company?
A: There are a couple of options for filing a claim. You can either do it online or by calling American Express’s claims department. To file a claim online, visit this link:
When you select “Start Claim Now,” it will bring you to a page with frequently asked questions and a list of the paperwork you will need. Before you start your claim, locate your car rental agreement and the police report, if one was filed.
If you prefer to call, you can call 24 hours a day at whichever of the following numbers applies to your situation:
Standard Rental Insurance:
Toll-free from the U.S.: 1-800-338-1670
International Collect: 1-440-914-2950
Premium Rental Insurance (if you purchased the extra insurance):
Toll-free from the U.S.: 1-800-326-2078
International Collect: 1-440-914-2950
It will take around 45 days for American Express to reach a decision on your claim, and you may be charged by the rental car company for the damage before the claim goes through. If this happens, you will have to call American Express to dispute the charge. A bit of extra work, but it’s worth it if you don’t have to foot the bill yourself.

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